Thursday 2 February 2012


Oh dear. I had a little nap. I was snoring a little.

And the last time I blogged was April 2008! Whaaat? Am I Rip Van Winkle or something?

I'm sure everyone gave up on me a long time ago, so I'm probably talking to myself. But I've been meaning to get started again. Mum still reads many of the other dog blogs so I know a little of what's been going on - glad to see everyone is keeping their humans on their toes. There's been a lot of heartbreaking stories too. Only the other day we lost Maggie, which made us very sad indeed. It made me realise that if people stopped blogging I'd never know how they were, and that would be awful.

So in case you forgot what this gorgeous mug of mine looks like:

You can't imagine what's been happening round here these last few years. First they go all Damien Hirst on me and stick me in a tank:

Then they rescue this huge panther:

And if that wasn't enough, they got me this as a birthday present last year - I can guarantee it hasn't stayed this quiet or cute ever since:

Right, off for another nap. Girl needs her beauty sleep, right?
This time I promise it won't be 4 years.


  1. OMG, Mojo - my girlfriend! You're back! I haven't smiled like this in a few days. Thank you for that! You are as beautiful as ever. I am just dying to meet Digger!

    Love ya lots,

  2. OMD.... Mojo! Great to see you. Where have you been? Tell us all about Digger and what you have been doing.

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  3. Welcome back! We found you on Terrier Fun, can't wait to see pics of you and your "birthday present"
    Woody Airedale

  4. Yay, your back. We are so happy and can't wait to read all about your adventures.

    Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
